What are rusks?

This is one great substitute for teething rings because the ingredients are basically organic and natural in the forms of milk, wheat, and it contains no added sugar. They taste great which makes a great snack for toddlers too!
What age can you give a baby a rusk?
It’s best to give rusks when you have started solids and your baby can grasp objects properly. Even though its unlikely that they will be able to break through the rusk, its vital that the baby is being watched for signs of choking or if the rusk breaks.Are teething rusks safe?
Yes, as long as the baby is being watched, and normal safety precautions are taking place. Remember, you know your baby best and you should modify my recipe to suit your baby's needs and your own situation.As a dentist who treats children every week anecdotal evidence (as well as my experience) tells me that teeth rusks can be very soothing for our babies. So now for the recipe:
Easy Homemade Rusk Recipe
By: Dr Ayesha TiwaryIngredients:
125g Rice (any type)
Banana or other fruit purees (depending on your preference)
1. Preheat oven to 180C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
2. Place 125g rice (Any type) into a blender.
3. Blend 30secs stopping every 10 secs to push grains from the top of the lid back into the bowl.
4. Repeat Step 3 until rice grains are a fine powder.
5. Break Banana into pieces and add to the blender and mix 10 secs (I have tried this with other fruit purees instead of banana, and all have worked well)
6. Transfer mixture to a separate bowl.
7. Form mixture into 8 - 10 8-cm long log shapes and place on baking tray.
8. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through.
Allow to cool completely before giving to your little one to enjoy (or place them in the freezer they last longer and the cold rusk can be soothing on the gums as well)
Make your own easy homemade baby rusk, and let us know if your baby loves it. Enjoy!
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